About DMMSI®
Divine Movement Making Successful Individuals (DMMSI®) is a for-profit edu-tech company. Our mission is to bring restoration and accreditation back to learners by providing quality education and financial stability. Through the use of non-traditional methods DMMSI® is impacting the following service areas: Adult & K-12 Curriculum & Program Development, Professional Development in Classroom Management / Transitioning To Remote Learning, K12 Homeschool Resource, K-12 STEM Education, and closing the K-12 educational gap.
At DMMSI® we put individuals first. It is our vision to provide programs and resources to help people invest in themselves. Our products and services help students, schools, and organizations reach their own version of success. Although a for-profit corporation, DMMSI® is dedicated to the social cause of impacting education.
Our Core Values
DMMSI® uses non-traditional methods to reach success.
Our 6 core values are also based on non-traditional definitions of the following words.
DMMSI® stands on honesty and adheres to a pattern of good works. Honesty and trust is the central focus of DMMSI's way of doing business.
Communication is not just the opening of one's mouth. At DMMSI®, we share together with our customers. It is not always about what we want our customer's to know. Communication goes two ways and it is our goal to make sure we are always listening in order to meet the needs of our customers.
For DMMSI®, commitment is a deposit, a trust, or thing consigned to one's faithful keeping. At DMMSI®, we are committed to excellence in the service we provide while having a clear understanding of why our mission is so important and how we are making a difference for our customers.
All too often we see businesses going through the painful labor, exertion, and miserable day to day business dealings. We know that there is nothing better for them than to be glad that they are able to provide their products and services. That's why at DMMSI® we rejoice in our own works. We have fun in and with the services and programs we provide our customers.
It is DMMSI's aim to be surpassing and extraordinary. We are a for-profit corporation who does not talk about what we want to accomplish; we work diligently to produce what we want to accomplish. In all labor there is profit, but idle talk leads only to poverty.
DMMSI® does everything for a bigger purpose and a nobler cause. We are always looking for new ways to innovate, improve, make products and service better. By producing results we are able to give back and sow all around the world. DMMSI® is generous with our seeds and it is our goal to plant daily!